Cyprus Real Estate

Cyprus is getting back to normal

  • 07.05.2020

Cyprus is one of the first European countries to start easing the COVID-19 quarantine measures. This will happen in several stages, which are primarily aimed at lifting restrictions within the country.

Thus, as of May the 4th the construction sector will resume work, government offices, courts, medical institutions, small shops will start working again and high school students will return to school. The ban on visiting churches, outdoor sports and gyms will be lifted. Although the curfew will remain in effect, citizens will be able to leave home up to 3 times a day.

Starting May 21st, restrictions on movement within the island will be completely lifted, along with opening of the parks, playgrounds, marinas, outdoor restaurants and cafes, hairdressers and beauty salons.

From June the 1st libraries, museums, archaeological and historical sites, beaches, sea ports, with the exception of cruise ships passengers disembarkation, will open.

However, the most important and most anticipated is of course the opening of air borders. Only then we could say that Cyprus is completely back to normal.

Cyprus Sotheby’s International Realty team has not stopped working for a single day during the quarantine. We are always ready to assist and consult on matters related to real estate investment for Cyprus citizenship or permanent residency application.

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