Cyprus Real Estate

Packing your suitcase or what to take with you for a holiday in Cyprus?

  • 16.02.2021

Packing suitcases before a trip is the most pleasant thing ever, filled with sweet anticipation of a long-awaited vacation. In order not to have your vacation ruined by some minor mishap, it is important to take this matter seriously. Doesn't matter whether you are planning to spend one day in Cyprus or a whole month - better be well organised and prepared for the trip. A well-thought-out list of things to pack and do before the trip will help you avoid many issues. Of course, documents, tickets and money are the most important in any journey, but other little things can affect the overall experience of the planned vacation. Below we will look at what to take with you to Cyprus when going on a holiday to this sunny island.

What to take to Cyprus: clothes and shoes

The following pieces will come in handy while on holiday in Cyprus:
Swimming attire. Swimsuits and swimming trunks are a must-have on a sunny Mediterranean island in any season. You can even take a few – they don’t take much space and will definitely be well used.
Summer headwear. The days in Cyprus are sunny and hot, so you shouldn't go out without covering your head with a cap or a hat. It is better to choose them in light colours.
Cardigan or jacket. Some days and evenings it can get quite windy in Cyprus (except when its summer) - then a warm cardigan or light jacket will be appreciated.
Everyday clothes. A few shorts and T-shirts, or skirts and dresses for girls will be more than enough. But grab a pair of trousers and a long sleeve shirt as well just in case.
Clothes for special occasions. Those planning to visit restaurants or nightclubs will need clothing of the appropriate style. Besides, Cyprus often holds various cultural festivals and themed carnivals - you can purchase suitable wardrobe options for such occasions on the spot.
Shoes. What kind of shoes to take with you on vacation depends on your lifestyle and favourite pastime. Those planning to go on excursions or hiking will need sneakers or other light sports-type shoes. The ones who want to spend their holiday in a resort or on the beach will do with just sandals and flip flops.

So, not only will you need a swimsuit and but also some warmer summer clothes for evening or night walks. Moreover, modest clothing covering legs and shoulders will be relevant for those who are going to visit the Christian shrines of the island. In this case, the woman may also need a headscarf.

What to take to Cyprus: documents

To travel to the island of Cyprus, you will need the following documents:
International passport if its different from the internal one of your country. In addition to the original passport, it is also recommended to make photocopies of the main pages and/or take photos of them with your phone.
Visa. Before planning a trip to Cyprus, we recommend that you find out in advance if a visa is required for citizens of your country. EU citizens will definitely not need one.
Confirmation of a hotel or a rental Cyprus property booking. You will need to show it at the airport upon arrival. This can be in electronic form.
Insurance. Travelling abroad without insurance is not encouraged. It is also worth noting that the cost of medical services in Cyprus is quite high, so the insurance might save you from unforeseen expenses.
Tickets. Air tickets can be in electronic form - you just need to download them on your smartphone or tablet.

This is a mandatory list of documents without which travelling is impossible. Additional documents include a driver's license – you are going to need one if you are planning to rent a car. Find out the details of renting a car in Cyprus in this article.

What to take to Cyprus: first aid kit

It would make sense to take basic medicines with you on holiday because you never know when you may need them and whether there will be a pharmacy nearby at that time. The tourist's first-aid kit should contain:
● pain killers,
● antipyretics,
● remedies for allergies,
● medicines for poisoning and indigestion,
● antiseptic, bandage, a set of adhesive plasters, cotton wool.
In addition, do not forget about the medicines that you may need personally.

What to take to Cyprus: important little things

Hygiene products. It is reasonable to take shampoos, shower gels and other cosmetics with you in small packages. Of course, most hotels offer them, but you might not like them or they might not suit your skin. Also, don’t forget a good sunscreen and after-sun soothing lotion.
Your phone. Mobile communication in Cyprus is quite affordable. Every tourist can buy a starter package from a local operator to stay in touch with their loved ones. Cyprus operators also offer favourable roaming rates.
Camera. The Mediterranean island impresses with its unique attractions and natural beauty. Therefore, the camera will definitely be a good idea if you are a keen photographer. A smartphone camera may not be enough to capture the Mediterranean beauty.

What to take to Cyprus: travelling with a child

Obviously, the list of things to take with you on a holiday in Cyprus will change slightly in case of travelling with children. Namely:

Documents. Children over fourteen years old must have their own passport. Children under this age travel on their parents' passport.
Wardrobe for the child. Choosing wardrobe items should follow the same principle as for adults - light and comfortable everyday clothes, clothes for cool weather, a hat, practical shoes.
Special care products. This is especially valid for young children - baby food and hygiene products should be taken with you, and also ask in advance - where you can buy the necessary (or similar) food at the destination.
Items of entertainment for children. These can be favourite toys, books, sketchbooks with pencils and everything that each particular child loves. It is better to give preference to small-sized items that can fit into small carry-on luggage (handbag, backpack, children's suitcase) of the child.

What cannot be taken to Cyprus?

Below is a list of items subject to confiscation at the customs. For carrying some of them you may only be fined, for others - more serious liability. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary problems, you should definitely know that you cannot take to Cyprus:
● drugs,
● weapons (firearms and steel), explosives,
● poisons,
● wild animals and birds,
● plants with soil,
● obscene materials,
● meat and dairy products (canned food and milk chocolate are also prohibited).

Have in mind, its best to inquire before travelling back from Cyprus, what you can’t take out of the island, so that the purchased souvenirs are not confiscated. We wish you a comfortable and safe holiday on the unforgettable Mediterranean island of Cyprus!

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